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Star Trek Productos a la venta: Para ingresar presionar en la fotografía
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sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2007

Bibliografia El Sistema Económico en StarTrek


·         Asherman, Allan; The Star Trek Compendium, Pocket Books, 1989.

·   Lajugie, Joseph, “Les Sistemes Economiques, Universitares de France, Paris, 1957.

·         Krauss,  Lawrence M., The Physics of Star Trek, Harper Perennial, 1995.

·    Le Roy Miller, Roger, “Economics Today: The Micro View”, Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. 1982.

·   Nemecek, Larry. The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion, Pocket Books,  1995.

·         Mundo Trek, Star Trek Asociación Cultural, Boletin Mensual, 1993-2001.

·         Okuda, Michael; Okuda, Denise; Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future, Pocket Books, 1996.

·       Okuda, Michael; Okuda, Denise; The Star Trek Encyclopedia, Pocket Books, 1994, 1999.

·       Reeves-Stevens, Judith,  & Reeves-Stevens, Garfield.  The Star Trek: The Art of Star Trek, Pocket Books, 1995.

·  Rodriguez Serra, Fátima, “Preferencia de metales en las unidades monetarias en el Perú”, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 1993.

·    Stephen E. Whitfield and Gene Roddenberry, The Making of Star Trek, Ballantine Books, September 1968.

·   Sternbach, Rick; Okuda, Michael; Star Trek The Next Generation: Technical Manual, Pocket Books, 1991.

·         Shatner, William;  Star Trek Memories, Harper-Collins, 1993.

·    Singer, Leslie P, “Economics Made Simple”, Boubleday & Companic INC, Garden City, New York, 1958.

·         Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Magazine, Star Trek: Communicator, Dan Madsen; Larry Nemecek, FANtastic Media 100-133, Decipher 1995 – 2005.

·         Westmore, Michael G. The Art of Theatrical Makeup for Stage and Screen, McGraw-Hill, 1973.

·     Westmore, Michael G.; Nazzaro, Joe. The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation FX Journal, Starlog Communications, 1993.



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